Denis Francis Farley - Earl's Funeral Home
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Denis Francis Farley

Denis Francis Farley

Denis Francis Farley, of Knight’s Road, Brittons Hill, St. Michael entered peacefully into rest at age…

Denis Francis Farley, of Knight’s Road, Brittons Hill, St. Michael entered peacefully into rest at age 82.

Husband of Claudia Eleanor Farley.

Father of Robert Jones (UK), Roger and Lisa Farley.

Grandfather of Gregory (Canada), Corey and Jermaine Ceasar, Cherise Pinder, Carmelo Farley, Quame Ceromain and Makeda Jones.

Great-grandfather of Alisha, Haven, Jadan and Dekota.  

Brother of Fred, Keith and Samuel Farley (USA).

Uncle of Darnley and Robert Dauis (USA), Marjorie and Norma Cadogan (Canada), Anderson (USA), James and Marcia D. Farley, Trevor H. Ifill, Suzanne Suttle- Layne and several others in Barbados and USA.

Father-in-law of Allison Jones and Angela Downes (Canada).

Brother-in-law of Linda Farley (Canada), Eileen Edwards (Florida), Claudia Yare, Walter and Samuel Sobers, Cynthia Bryan and many others.

Relative ofthe Farley, Davis, Sobers and Jones families.

Friend of Gordon Ruck, Gerda Burnett, Ronald Yarde, Barry Bishop, Keith Roach, the Adams, Kydd, Grant, Ceasar, Agard, Weekes and Ifill families and many others.

The funeral of the late Denis Francis Farley leaves Earl’s Funeral Home, Half Moon Fort, St. Lucy on Friday June 21st, 2024 at 12 noon for St. Paul Anglican Church, Upper Bay Street, St. Michael where relatives and friends are asked to meet for the Service of Thanksgiving at 2:00 p.m.

The funeral will then proceed to Westbury Cemetery for the interment.

The organist and choir are kindly asked to attend.

Live streaming of the funeral can be viewed via

Floral tributes may be sent to Earl’s Funeral Home no later than 11:30 a.m. on Friday.

Funeral arrangements entrusted to IRG Funerals Incorporated.

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